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Bio Spirulina 100%- 200 TABLETS





Spirulina is a green, edible micro-algae that is widely known in powder or capsule form. Used as a cure, spirulina has many health benefits.

Is spirulina really a superfood? Can it help you lose weight and boost your immune system? Here are the answers to your questions.

Spirulina has many health benefits. In fact, this micro-algae can :

  • treat hypercholesterolemia ;
  • treat allergic rhinitis
  • treat diabetes;
  • stimulate the immune system;
  • promote weight loss



Data are insufficient to suggest a therapeutic dosage.

In clinical trials, dosage ranged from 1 g to 1.4 g twice or three times a day for the following indications:

  • type 2 diabetes ;
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • nasal allergies.

For weight loss, 200 milligrams of spirulina tablets were taken orally three times a day. We recommend a gradual increase in dose, starting with 1 g a day for the first week.

There are insufficient data to recommend the use of spirulina in children.

The benefits of spirulina

Spirulina is a spiral algae that has been around for 3 billion years. Low in calories, it is high in protein, antioxidants (carotenoids, phycocyanin) and gamma-linolenic acid (from the omega-6 family).

Research highlights spirulina's antioxidant, anti-diabetic and immunostimulant properties, as well as its ability to reduce blood lipid levels.

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