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ORGANIC Spirulina 100 G - POWDER





Spirulina is a green micro-algae food that is widely known in powder or capsule form. Used as a cure, spirulina has many health benefits.

Is spirulina really a superfood? Can it help you lose weight and boost your immune system? Here are the answers to your questions.

Spirulina has many health benefits. This micro-algae can :

  • treat hypercholesterolaemia ;
  • treat allergic rhinitis
  • treat diabetes
  • stimulate the immune system;
  • promote weight loss



There are insufficient data to suggest a therapeutic dose.

In clinical trials, the dosage varied from 1 g to 1.4 g two to three times a day for the following indications:

  • type 2 diabetes ;
  • hypercholesterolaemia
  • nasal allergies.

For weight loss, 200 milligrams of spirulina tablets taken orally three times a day were used. We recommend that you gradually increase the dose, starting with 1g per day for the first week.

There is insufficient data to advise the use of spirulina in children.

The benefits of spirulina

Spirulina is a spiral algae that has been around for 3 billion years. Low in calories, it contains large quantities of protein, antioxidants (carotenoids, phycocyanin) and gamma-linolenic acid (from the omega-6 family).

Research has highlighted spirulina's antioxidant, anti-diabetic and immunostimulant properties, as well as its ability to reduce blood lipid levels.

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