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Tapioca balls 150g



Tapioca is obtained from manioc, an exotic plant that forms the staple diet in South America. It provides the body with energy in the form of carbohydrates and valuable minerals. It is highly digestible and contains no gluten, making it particularly suitable for people intolerant to this allergen. Tapioca can be used to complement soups, sauces and, because of its unique shape, as small pearls to decorate desserts. It's also a distinctive addition to so-called Bubble Tea.

Tapioca is a starch derived from manioc, widely used in Asian countries as well as in South America. Tapioca's flavor is very neutral, so it works equally well in both savory and sweet dishes, taking on the flavor of the spices used in the preparation.

Tapioca characteristics

  • Rich in carbohydrates ;
  • Rich in fiber ;
  • Source of iron;
  • Stimulates intestinal transit ;
  • Fights the risk of anemia.



Rich in starch

Tapioca is rich in carbohydrates, making it ideal for enriching the diet when you're looking for a dose of energy without adding fat. It's a high-energy food belonging to the cereal family.

Promotes good intestinal transit

Tapioca's fiber content promotes good intestinal transit and helps combat constipation. However, be sure to supplement your meal with plenty of vegetables to ensure your overall fiber intake.

For greater satiety

Tapioca is an excellent thickener for desserts and soups, helping you to feel fuller by expanding in your stomach.

Source of iron

Tapioca's iron content can be an interesting complement to a variety of dietary supplements (spinach, legumes, red meat, etc.), helping to combat the risk of anemia.

A word from the nutritionist

Tapioca is a starchy food. It is rich in carbohydrates and energy. It has a high glycemic index (85), which means it can raise blood sugar levels. So don't overdo it.

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