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Ground Green Coffee- 250 G



Green coffee is simply produced from raw, normal, ordinary coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. The coffee beans that have been picked and processed are green and only take on their usual brown colour through the roasting process. It is only the coffee cherries (the fruit) that turn red or yellow when they are picked, while the coffee beans inside remain green. Green coffee is therefore just coffee that has not been roasted.

Green coffee extract is a substance extracted from raw coffee beans that is often marketed as a weight loss supplement. Green coffee extract also has an important use in the coffee industry. Green coffee bean extract is used in what is known as the Swiss Water process for decaffeinating coffee, an all-natural method that has only been used commercially since the 1980s.

What does green coffee taste like?

The coffee flavour we are used to is due to the roasting process. If you drink green coffee in a blind taste test, you may not even realise it's coffee.

Green coffee has a much sweeter, lighter flavour than regular coffee, and when prepared properly, it has a little thickness. Some people compare it to the taste of green tea or herbal tea. Green coffee is also more acidic than roasted coffee.



Unique chemical characteristics

Coffee beans contain compounds known as chlorogenic acids. Many other foods, such as blueberries, tomatoes and aubergines, also contain these acids, but coffee has a higher concentration than any of these. Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid (unrelated to caffeine) are known for their strong antioxidant properties. Many of the health benefits of coffee are thought to be due to the presence of these acids.

When coffee beans are roasted, as their flavour develops, their chlorogenic acid content decreases considerably. Unroasted coffee beans contain a much greater quantity of compounds recognised for their health and well-being benefits.

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