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Milk thistle seeds 200 g





Native to the Mediterranean basin, milk thistle is used to combat digestive disorders and diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The Greeks had already noted its therapeutic potential and used it in ancient times to treat liver disorders. Milk thistle food supplements contain simardine, the plant's active substance. This is what gives it its therapeutic effects. The recommended dose of simardine varies according to the ailment to be relieved. You should therefore consult your doctor before starting a course of treatment with milk thistle. Consumption by pregnant and breast-feeding women is also contraindicated.

 Cancer. Researchers and clinicians are very interested in the beneficial effects of milk thistle in the event of cancer. Among other things, it is thought to protect the liver from damage caused by chemotherapy 9,10,26 . But its potential preventive effect against prostate cancer, skin cancer and colorectal cancer is also being investigated 10-14,27,28 . It could also improve the effectiveness of cancer treatments10. For the moment, however, there are only in vitro animal trials and a few preliminary clinical studies.

Diabetes. A clinical study was conducted on 56 patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. The results showed that a standardised extract of milk thistle (200 mg 3 times a day, for 3 months) improved glycaemic control and reduced blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels15. An earlier trial had also produced positive results in diabetics suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. The treatment reduced their insulin resistance16, but the absence of a placebo group limits the significance of these results.

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Description Precautions


  • Although the plant has traditionally been recommended to women to stimulate milk production, some authors believe that, due to the lack of complete toxicological studies, nursing mothers and pregnant women should avoid milk thistle. However, there are no medical reports of adverse effects in pregnant women. Moreover, pregnant women have taken part in clinical trials without any problems being reported.


  • None known.

Undesirable effects

  • Very rarely, mild gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, diarrhoea).
  • Consumption of milk thistle may cause a reaction in people allergic to plants in the compositae family (daisies, asters, camomile, etc.).
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