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Psyllium seeds 200g



Gentle on the intestines, it also calms the inflammation of the intestinal walls often associated with constipation. Psyllium can be taken regularly in cases of chronic constipation.

Anti-cholesterol: Psyllium is recommended for people with high cholesterol.

It helps eliminate cholesterol from the body and limits its absorption thanks to its phytosterols.

The seeds, which are not digested by the body, carry excess fats with them.

It regulates blood glucose levels: According to a study published in Pubmed in 1999, psyllium reduces overall and postprandial glucose levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

In 34 men suffering from type 2 diabetes, the study showed that overall glucose levels were lowered by 11% after an 8-week course of 5.1 g of psyllium per day.

It reduces inflammation of the intestines:Thanks to its high fibre content, psyllium contributes to good intestinal flora and softens the mucous membranes.

It reduces bloating and gas by cleansing the intestines. It is often recommended in cases of colopathy or irritable bowel syndrome to combat alternating constipation and diarrhoea.



Cutting-edge research

The analysis covered 58 clinical trials and 185 studies conducted worldwide on the effects of fibre, whole foods and the glycaemic index. Professor Mann believes that the study is unique in that it analysed a range of disease indicators and outcomes. Previous studies have only looked at a single factor and a small number of diseases. The study showed that people who increased the amount of fibre in their diet had lower body weight and cholesterol levels. ‘We found that a high-fibre diet has a considerable impact on protecting the body against heart disease, diabetes and cancer,’ explains Professor Mann.

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