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Ground Guarana 100 G POWDER



Native to the Amazon, guarana is a fascinating plant that has captivated many cultures over the centuries. Renowned for its stimulating and energising effects, it is often associated with enhanced physical and mental performance. However, guarana is more than just an energy boost; its seeds are full of potential benefits, but also of controversy and precautions to consider.


Expédition prévue fin avril


At least 60 mg of caffeine are required for a noticeable effect. But the exact dose to take depends on the ailment to be relieved, so don't hesitate to consult your doctor before starting a course of treatment. The substance is not recommended for people suffering from heart disease, insomnia, gastric irritation or who are already taking ephedra. It may also cause discomfort if taken in excess. (memorisation, perception, learning, etc.). Several clinical trials have shown that caffeine can improve cognitive performance. Identical results have been obtained with guarana alone or mixed with Asian ginseng (panax ginseng) or vitamin supplements. In the studies using guarana alone, the caffeine content of the extracts was too low to explain the effects. The researchers concluded that other substances contained in the plant could contribute to the effects of caffeine.

Does guarana make you lose weight?

Weight loss

Guarana is used in a number of products designed to combat overweight and obesity. The caffeine it contains is thought to activate the basal metabolic rate, increase calorie expenditure and reduce body fat. Guarana, mixed with yerba maté and damiana (Turnera diffusa), is also thought to slow stomach emptying and prolong the feeling of satiety, effects that can help control weight gain. In these studies, guarana was mixed with other products. It is therefore impossible to determine its precise real contribution. Nevertheless, an epidemiological study conducted in the Amazon among people aged over 60 showed that guarana consumers had a smaller waist circumference on average than those who did not consume it. In addition, the prevalence of obesity and hypertension is lower, and women have lower levels of ‘bad cholesterol’ (LDL).

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