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Inactive yeast flakes 100g



Inactive yeast flakes

Yeast flakes are recommended for vegetarians, vegans and people on a gluten-free diet. They contain vitamins and minerals essential for the body. They feature a delicate, cheesy, nutty flavor.

Ingredients: 100% inactive dry yeast.

Use: flakes are an excellent complement to yoghurt and smoothies. Use to thicken sauces or soups. Ideal as an ingredient in breadcrumbs, meat or vegetable fillings.

They are also ideal as :

*an alternative to cheese,

*a garnish for salads or potatoes,

*an addition to pasta dishes,

*an alternative to salt, for example in sandwiches.

Best before: see below for batch number, expiration date and country of origin.



A distinction must be made between active and inactive brewer's yeast. Active or live brewer's yeast is used as a probiotic under the name Saccharomyces boulgari. It has been dehydrated at very low temperatures (under 40°C) to keep its micro-organisms alive.

It is renowned for its exceptional nutritional properties. Indeed, brewer's yeast is the richest food in B vitamins, particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine). One teaspoon of brewer's yeast represents a daily intake 9 times higher than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B1. It is also rich in proteins and trace elements (chromium and selenium). Active brewer's yeast is used to protect and regenerate intestinal flora.

Inactive or dead brewer's yeast has been heated to over 40°C to kill the fungi of which it is composed. It's no longer alive, but it's still just as nutritionally rich. Inactive brewer's yeast is used as a dietary supplement to strengthen hair.

What are the benefits of brewer's yeast for hair?

Brewer's yeast stimulates the production of keratin, a natural fibrous protein that is the main constituent of phanera (hair, nails, teeth and body hair).

By stimulating keratin production, brewer's yeast fortifies hair. It also helps combat hair loss, thanks to its high content of vitamins B1, B2 and B9, which contribute to cell regeneration and better hair regrowth. It also makes hair softer and shinier.

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